29 OCT 2014 by ideonexus
Astronomy affords the most extensive example of the conne...
Astronomy affords the most extensive example of the connection of physical sciences. In it are combined the sciences of number and quantity, or rest and motion. In it we perceive the operation of a force which is mixed up with everything that exists in the heavens or on earth; which pervades every atom, rules the motion of animate and inanimate beings, and is a sensible in the descent of the rain-drop as in the falls of Niagara; in the weight of the air, as in the periods of the moon.22 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Galileo's Renunciation
I, Galileo Galilei, son of the late Vicenzio Galilei of Florence, aged seventy years, being brought personally to judgment, and kneeling before you. Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lords Cardinals, General Inquisitors of the Universal Chris¬ tian Commonwealth against heretical depravity, having before my eyes the Holy Gospels which I touch with my own hands, swear that I have always believed, and, with the help of God, will in future believe, every article which the Holy Catho¬ lie and Apost...Original text.
13 OCT 2013 by ideonexus
The Importance of Mathematics in Seafaring
Before there was an accurate seafaring clock, the sailor seeking his bearings had to be a trained mathematician. The accepted way to find longitude at sea was by precise observations of the moon, which required refined instruments and subtle calculations. An error as small as 5' in observing the moon meant an error of 2V2. degrees of longitude, which on the ocean could be as much as 150 miles—enough to wreck a ship on treacherous shoals. Fatal miscalculation might come from a crude instrume...Sailors had to be mathematicians in order to keep their bearings on the ocean.